葆桦(上海)医疗管理有限公司 Bao Hua (Shanghai) Healthcare Management Co. Ltd.专注于中国私立医疗服务市场,旨在参与私立医疗机构的直接投资,运营实施及管理咨询与执行,成为的医疗服务提供者,和专业的私立医疗机构运营商。通过建立流程化的运营机制,创造安全的诊环境,提供人性化的优质服务,并达到满意的临床结果。BAOHUA focus on investment, acquisition ,operation and management in the field of private healthcare. Through the international management system, safety of medical environment, humanized service standard and satisfied clinical outcome to provide neighborhood healthcare service with high quality and accessibility。成都里奥诊所 Chengdu Leo Clinic成都里奥诊所是葆桦医疗在成都的家全科诊所。秉承“以病人为”的国际健康关怀标准。诊所设置全科、内科、妇科、儿科、中医针灸和理疗以及其他专科。由拥有丰富国际化经验的管理团队运营,致力于为周边居民区和在蓉外籍人士提供国际水准医疗服务。 Leo Clinic is the first GP clinic invested and managed by BAOHUA professional operation team. Our Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Gynecology, Pediatrics, TCM with acupuncture and physiotherapy will put our best efforts on the “patient-centered” care with international practice standard to the around residence & international communities.

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